My Friend’s Place is an inspiring and rewarding place to work, and every member of our staff plays an integral role in supporting youth to move toward lives of wellness, stability, and self-sufficiency.
Current Openings
Below, you will find a list of current openings. If you have questions regarding the application process or any of the available positions, please e-mail the appropriate hiring manager as listed at the bottom of the job description.
Triage Case Manager Full-Time
Under the direct management of the Housing and Wellness Manager (HWM) and the direct supervision of the Housing and Wellness Coordinator (HWC) and working from a trauma informed, strengths based, and harm reduction approach, the Triage Case Manager will address urgent basic needs and psychosocial issues facing youth and young adults experiencing homelessness in a drop-in setting. The Triage Case Manager will have extensive daily milieu interactions with all youth and will assist multidisciplinary program staff in meeting all youth needs.
Employment and Education Case Manager Full-Time
The Transformative Education Program is our comprehensive program approach to employment, education and creative arts services and activities. Through workshops, one-on-one sessions, and more intensive programming, the Transformative Education Program aims to equip youth with marketable skills, encourage positive behaviors, and teach youth how to connect with resources that improve their futures. The Employment and Education Case Manager takes the steps in building trust with young people to support the entry into the workforce, providing coaching and skill building, along with successfully supporting exploration, enrollment and completion of education programs. Using a trauma informed model that focuses on social-emotional learning and development and strength based perspective, the Employment and Education Case Manager will provide services and support to assist youth transition into healthy, independent lives.
Safe Haven Counselor Full-Time
The Safe Haven is the entry point for our comprehensive service model. It provides the vital services and resources that are needed to alleviate the demands of survival that often distract young people from participating in activities that support long-term health and stability. The Safe Haven Counselor takes the first steps in building trust with young people. Through the provision of intake, basic needs and supportive counseling in a safe and welcoming space, the Safe Haven Counselor encourages young people to identify and share their needs and issues and take steps toward wellness. The Safe Haven Counselor is the first line of counseling and conversation aimed at engaging youth in opportunities for housing, health, education and employment.
Safety & Belonging Coordinator Full-Time
The Safety & Belonging Coordinator is a new role within the organization and will support the reimagination of the concepts and practices of safety and belonging in our community healing space. Under the direct supervision of the Director of Programs, the Safety & Belonging Coordinator is responsible for working across all programs in order to hospitably meet the needs of young people visiting the center daily. The Safety & Belonging Coordinator must be familiar and comfortable working with issues related to street survival & homelessness including substance abuse, mental health distress, co-occurring disorders, severe behavioral health and complex trauma. They must have the ability and interest to work professionally with young adults with severe trauma histories and appreciate that the behavioral expression of pain can include challenging, even hostile, behaviors, sometimes directed at staff. They must endorse a philosophy of care, grounded in the Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC) Framework, that believes that safety is best achieved through connection and that when a young person is struggling, they are to be pulled in closer and not pushed further away. This position requires excellent judgment and strong situational awareness skills.
Organizational Background
My Friend’s Place is a privately funded nonprofit organization with a mission
“to assist and inspire homeless youth to build self-sufficient lives.”
Our crisis resource drop-in center provides emergency, health, mental health, creative arts, case management, and education & employment services to nearly 1,300 youth and young adults experiencing homelessness annually.
The youth and young adults we serve are predominantly black and brown and male identified. We recognize the experience of homelessness as a social, racial and economic justice issue, and as such, you can read more about our JEDI Vision and Principles.
Our comprehensive, multi-disciplinary program model is innovative and replicated in drop-in centers locally and nationally. We are a data lead agency committed to continuous learning and development.