Welcome to
My Friend’s Place

Helping young people experiencing homelessness move toward wellness, stability and self-sufficiency.

4.2 Million

youth experience homelessness each
year in the United States

4,000 Youth

experience homelessness in
Los Angeles on any given night

1,000 Young people

are served every year at
My Friend’s Place

What We Do

My Friend’s Place offers comprehensive services to 1,000+ unhoused young people between the ages of 12 and 25, and their children, each year, out of our dynamic resource center in Hollywood.

Our Mission: My Friend's Place is a community that cultivates growth and opportunity for young people impacted by homelessness.

Our Vision: We envision a Los Angeles community that effectively prevents and responds to youth and young adult homelessness and ensures the physical, mental, social, and economic well-being of all young people.

Programs & Services


What our community says...

  • Chris, My Friend's Place alumnus

    The staff here have allowed me to open up and they’ve been able to help me cope. I’ve never really had anyone in my life as supportive as they are.  When I come back and see these people that work here, it kind of feels like a blessing. Now, when I go to sleep at night, I know that if I need a person to rely on the following day, My Friend’s Place will be there.

Our Core Values

For 36 years and counting, My Friend’s Place has been assisting and inspiring young people experiencing homelessness to build self-sufficient lives.

  • Low-Barrier
  • Harm Reduction
  • Strength-Based
  • Judgment free
  • Human worth
  • Individualized response
  • Trust

Together We Can!

Assist and inspire homeless youth to build self-sufficient lives.

Latest News

November 10th, 2023

Double Your Impact and Expand the Safety Net for Young People!

Help My Friend's Place raise $100,000 to secure an additional $100,000 in matching funds to support the expansion of our weekly drop in center hours by 20%! More drop in center hours means more transformative care, resources and opportunities for the young people of My Friend’s Place... Read More

January 27th, 2023

Black History Month at My Friend's Place

My Friend's Place is excited to celebrate Black History Month in February, with a special focus on Black Resistance and Resilience, a theme inspired by ASALH's 2023 Black History Theme... Read More

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Together We Can!

Assist and inspire homeless youth to build self-sufficient lives.